Call for Abstracts: 2nd International Conference UREC 2014

Fri 07 February 2014

The Urbanization and Global Environmental Change Project is pleased to announce that we will begin accepting abstracts for our 2nd International Conference on February 7th.

UGEC 2014 Conference Header

We invite abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations. We particularly encourage contributions that exhibit an innovative set of conceptual and methodological approaches. Abstracts should be focused on synthesizing UGEC research, lessons learned, key ways forward, and should fall under one of the four conference themes:

  1. Urbanization Patterns and Processes
  2. Urban Responses to Climate Change: Adaptation, Mitigation and Transformation
  3. Global Environmental Change, Urban Health and Well-Being
  4. Equity and Environmental Justice in Urban Areas

Click here for more details on the themes.

Click here to read the concept note.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  • Abstract submissions should be written in English, not exceeding 300 words. The abstracts will be chosen based on clarity, appropriateness of the topic, methodology, originality and contribution to the overall synthesis-focus of our conference.
  • Please indicate the title of the session(s) under which you are submitting your abstract. If no preference, leave blank. A list of sessions will be made available before February 7th.

Deadline for submission is march 30th, 2014!




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