1. Paper published in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

    Mon 30 July 2012

    An article I worked on with Margaret E. Andrew, Trisalyn A. Nelson, Michael A. Wulder, George W. Hobart, and Nicholas C. Coops, “Ecosystem classifications based on summer and winter conditions”, has recently been published on-line, with Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. For now, the article can be cited as:

    Andrew, M. E., T. A. Nelson, M. A. Wulder, G. W. Hobart, N. C. Coops, and C. J. Q. Farmer (in press). Ecosystem classifications based on summer and winter conditions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. doi:10.1007/s10661-012-2773-z

    If you would like a copy, but do not have access to the article ...

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  2. Environment and Planning A paper published

    Thu 01 December 2011

    My latest article, “Network-based functional regions”, has recently been published on-line, with Environment and Planning A. The article can be cited as:

    Farmer C J Q, Stewart Fotheringham A, 2011, “Network-based functional regions” Environment and Planning A 43(11) 2723 – 2741

    If you would like a copy, but do not have access to the article, please email me and I can forward you a PDF version.

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  3. Why I’m *not* going to use Mendeley

    Wed 14 April 2010

    Besides the obvious: “It’s not open source!”, I’m also not making the switch from Zotero to Mendeley for my academic reference management needs due to the answer to this question on the Mendeley FAQ page:

    Is Mendeley free?

    The straight answer would be yes and no. Yes, it’s free, because: Everything you get when you sign up to Mendeley is completely free and will always remain free - including the features described in What is Mendeley?

    No, it’s not completely free, because: At a later point in time, we will expand upon the existing features and introduce ...

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  4. Canadian Geographer paper published

    Mon 12 October 2009

    My article “Spatial-temporal patterns of snow cover in western Canada”, has now been published on-line with The Canadian Geographer. At this stage, only the proof copy is available online. The article is now officially published, and can be cited as:

    Farmer, C. J. Q., Nelson, T. A., Wulder, M.A. and Derksen, C. (2009). Spatial-temporal patterns of snow cover in western Canada, Canadian Geographer, 53 (4): 473-487.

    If you would like a copy, but do not have access to the article, please email me and I can forward you a PDF version.


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  5. Remote Sensing of Environment paper published

    Tue 06 October 2009

    My latest article, “Identification of snow cover regimes through spatial and temporal clustering of satellite microwave brightness temperatures”, has recently been published on-line, with the journalRemote Sensing of Environment. For now, UPDATE: The article can be cited as:

    Farmer, C. J. Q., Nelson, T. A., Wulder, M.A. and Derksen, C. (2010). Identification of snow cover regimes through spatial and temporal clustering of satellite microwave brightness temperatures, Remote Sensing of Environment, 114 (1): 199-210.

    If you would like a copy, but do not have access to the article, please email me and I can forward you a PDF version.

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