The Urbanization and Global Environmental Change (UGEC) 2nd International Conference on “Urban Transitions and Transformations: Science, Synthesis and Policy” is scheduled to take place in Taipei, Taiwan from November 6th-8th, 2014. I am organizing a special session entitled “Forecasting Urbanization: Population and Land Dimensions” which promises to be very exciting.
This is the ‘final wrap-up’ for UGEC, so the main purpose of the conference is tp provide a synthesis of UGEC research and practice. Sessions are supposed to be reflective (i.e., not solely presentations on ‘new research’), so the talks should have a ‘lessons learned’ focus. Hopefully there will be time in our session to discuss key points, research gaps, and ways forward for forcasting urban population growth. I’m going to start soliciting papers for this session pretty soon, but in the mean time, if you are interseted in presenting, please get in touch!
Abstracts can be submitted here, and you can register here (click on the Registration tab). When submitting an abstract, if you want to be included in my session, please indicate so when submitting online. It’s probably a good idea to register early for the conference, plus, the Early Bird rates will only be available through June 15th, 2014. If you have any questions about the conference, you can email UGEC.
P.S. If you aren’t yet convinced that you should attend the 2014 UGEC Synthesis Conference, maybe Dr. Keren Seto can help convince you: