1. Geocomputational landscapes and spaces

    Fri 15 March 2013

    Special session titled “Geocomputational landscapes and spaces” at the International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS-2013), to be held at Wilfrid Laurier University, August 26-30, 2013.

    The deadline for abstracts is April 15, 2013.

    Description of the session:

    This session focuses on new applications and theoretical developments in geocomputation. Increasingly, spatial analysis and modelling requires advanced computational techniques (MCMC, INLA, GAs etc.) to address problems related to land and resource management. This session is devoted to current developments and advances in geocomputation for understanding landscape patterns, processes, and building spatial decision-support systems. For example, talks will ...

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  2. Postdocs and Lectureships at St Andrews

    Thu 08 November 2012

    The Centre for GeoInformatics (CGI) at the University of St Andrews in Scotland has the following open positions:

    1. Lectureship in Geoinformatics, permanent position, application DL 21 Dec 2012
    2. Postdoctoral researcher in Geoinformatics, preferably Visual Analytics/Visualization (three year fixed post, application DL 7 Dec 2012)
    3. Postdoctoral researcher in Geoinformatics (two year fixed post, application DL 21 Dec 2012)

    In addition, there are three lectureships open at the Department of Geography & Sustainable Development in which CGI is located:

    1. Two lectureships in Environmental Geography
    2. Lectureship in Human Geography

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  3. PhD position in GeoInformatics and Housing research

    Thu 25 October 2012

    The CGI is looking for a talented PhD student to fill an interdiciplinary PhD Studentship co-funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and HOME Housing Association. Suitable candidates should apply by 23 November 2012 for a start date of 1 January 2013. Have a look at the CGI vacancies webpage for more details. This is a great opportunity for students interested in using and developing state-of-the-art methods in geoinformatics and applying them to fundamental questions in the social housing sector.

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  4. Carson moves to the Big Apple

    Tue 16 October 2012


    I am very excited to announce that I will soon be moving to New York to take up a faculty position in the Department of Geography at Hunter College of the City University of New York. The plans have been in motion for quite a while, and now that my wife and I have started to pack up our stuff, I thought I’d post something here to make it ‘official’. I start full time in NY at the end of January, at which point I will be diving head first into teaching and research. I am really looking forward ...

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  5. Visualization featured on wired.co.uk

    Tue 29 May 2012

    A few weeks back the CGI and I were approached by Miguel Nacenta from SACHI about putting together an infographic for an article on FatFonts (also see my previous article) to be featured on the Wired (UK) magazine website. Since Wired is one of my favourite magazines, I jumped at the chance! Using data that Dr Timothy Stojanovic and I are working with as part of Tim’s work linking off-shore cumulative human impacts to on-shore terrestrial urbanization, I put together several infographics depicting human impacts on the oceans surrounding Edinburgh and London. One of these graphics was selected for ...

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  6. Introducing the Centre for GeoInformatics

    Thu 24 May 2012


    The new Centre for GeoInformatics (CGI) within the School of Geography and Geosciences and the Department of Geography and Sustainable Development is now an official university Research Centre at the University of St Andrews in Scotland! A few months ago, I started my new job as Research Fellow with CGI, where I am continuing to work with Prof. A. Stewart Fotheringham, who is the director of the new centre, along with several new and continuing PhD students and faculty members. Now that we have the centre officially up and running, we are quickly getting ready for our official launch next ...

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  7. Paper published in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

    Fri 13 April 2012

    An article I worked on with Lex Comber and Chris Brunsdon, “Community detection in spatial networks: Inferring land use from a planar graph of land cover objects”, has recently been published on-line, with the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. The article can be cited as:

    Comber, A. J., Brunsdon, C. F., and Farmer, C. J. Q.(2012) Community detection in spatial networks: Inferring land use from a planar graph of land cover objects. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 18: 274–282

    If you would like a copy, but do not have access to the ...

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  8. It’s about time…

    Wed 09 November 2011

    Well its been a long time since my last post, but I do have a relatively good reason: I was finishing up my PhD thesis. The good news is that I’m now done and graduated! I’m hoping I’ll have a bit more time to blog and continue working on side-projects that I had to put on-hold while finishing up. My plan for the next few months is to finish up here in Maynooth, (unofficially) start some post-doc work, and finish/get going on several papers on my PhD research. I’m also going to try to learn Bayesian statistics, fiddle about with some visualizations I’ve been working on, and start getting back into QGIS and Python development again

    In the mean time, I’ve put together a fun little visualization of my PhD thesis in the form of a word-cloud.

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