Paper published in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Mon 30 July 2012

An article I worked on with Margaret E. Andrew, Trisalyn A. Nelson, Michael A. Wulder, George W. Hobart, and Nicholas C. Coops, “Ecosystem classifications based on summer and winter conditions”, has recently been published on-line, with Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. For now, the article can be cited as:

Andrew, M. E., T. A. Nelson, M. A. Wulder, G. W. Hobart, N. C. Coops, and C. J. Q. Farmer (in press). Ecosystem classifications based on summer and winter conditions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. doi:10.1007/s10661-012-2773-z

If you would like a copy, but do not have access to the article, please email me and I can forward you a PDF version.


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